Polona Frelih - tvoja kandidatka za Evropske volitve 2024

🔥 9. junija glasujemo proti pokvarjenim elitam!

🇸🇮 Najprej Slovenija!

Twitter:𝕏 @PolonaFrelih


Resni.ca on European Elections 2024

First of all, we are talking about the sovereignty of Europe. We stand for a strong Europe that sovereignly decides on its future. Slovenian sovereignty is also of primary importance. The fact that national borders are freely crossed due to the Schengen Agreement does not mean that they do not exist.

Our program

Resni.ca (The Truth) is Slovenia’s people’s movement. It aims for social and economic justice while preserving traditional values and freedoms. In Slovenia, we don’t really have the political left or right. It’s just two poles that falsely divide people on the basis of their attitudes towards half-past history and marginal topics. Mainstream parties in Slovenia are therefore the two wings of the same predatory bird, with one and the same interest: their control of public funds. In Slovenia, we have witnessed only corruption and destructive politics in the last 30 years. People are fully aware of all this and they oppose to any kind of lie and manipulation.

Here is our program for the European Elections - 2024:

Timeless Sovereignty

First of all, we are talking about the sovereignty of Europe. We stand for a strong Europe that itself decides on its future. Slovenian sovereignty is also of primary importance. The fact that national borders are freely crossed due to the Schengen Agreement does not mean that they do not exist. On the contrary, precisely these borders must also represent the protection of citizens and preserve the national independence of decision-making regarding migration, health and energy policy, regarding LGBT policy and similar agendas.

Health In Our Hands

We oppose any interference of foreign agendas in our health policy. Our goal is independent decision-making about the healthcare system, and high-quality healthcare for all.

Protection of Rights and Freedom

We defend fundamental freedoms. There is no compromise on freedom of speech, right to assembly and right to expression.

Defense of Traditional Values

Europe must not lose its soul. We stand for traditional values, Family, and Identity.

Neutrality in Foreign Disputes

We stand for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. We avoid unnecessary interference in foreign wars and diplomatic disputes.

Economic Patriotism

We will support our national and local economy, with special emphasis on small businesses, we will fight for the reduction of European bureaucratic obstacles, which are only in the interest of large corporations. We will also strive for financial independence.

Self-sufficiency and Natural Resources

We will promote local food production for maximum self-sufficiency. We must maintain sovereignty over our natural resources.


We will encourage investment in sustainable technologies and environmental awareness and will fight against the so-called green agenda. The latter has nothing to do with environmental protection, it only means totalitarianism, taxation and forcing our citizens into economically unjustified measures.

For Digital Sovereignty

Uncompromising fight to preserve cash as a basic human right. Protecting Europeans from the monopoly of global digital platforms. Strong support for European alternatives in the field of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) to quickly bridge the technological backwardness of the EU and in particular, Slovenia.

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Polono Frelih za Evropski Parlament!

Kandidat Stranke Resnica: Polona Frelih

Naš program: predvsem podpora našim državljanom in nikomur drugemu. Ne gremo v vojno, hranimo gotovino (brez digitalnega evra), živimo svobodno in zdravo brez obveznega cepljenja.

Glasuj za stranko Resnica (številka 10 na seznamu) in napiši moje ime. Na listi stranke sem na 2. mestu.

Polona Frelih, stranka Resnica

Danes je tvoj glas naša moč! #zaSlovenijo